
Showing posts from May, 2022

Thyroid Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Testing

  Thyroid disease is a condition that affects the thyroid gland, which is located in the front of your neck. There are a number of causes for  thyroid disease,  including autoimmune diseases, radiation exposure, and iodine deficiency. Some risk factors include having a family history of thyroid disease, being female (thyroid disease is more common in women), and being over the age of 60. Symptoms can vary depending on the type of thyroid disease but may include weight gain or loss, fatigue, hair loss, constipation, and muscle weakness. Thyroid function  can be tested through a blood test that measures levels of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone). If TSH levels are high it suggests that the thyroid is not working properly and further testing may be necessary to diagnose the specific type of thyroid disease. Thyroid disease is a condition that affects the thyroid gland, which is located in the front of your neck. The thyroid gland produces hormones that help control you...

Health Benefits of Cashews

  Cashews are a good source of magnesium, vitamin K, and zinc. They also contain a small amount of protein and fiber.   Cashews  are a good source of copper, magnesium, and phosphorus. Copper is required for the biosynthesis of hemoglobin and myelin, two important components of red blood cells and nerve cells. Magnesium is necessary for many proteins to function properly, including enzymes that control blood sugar levels and those involved in the body's stress response. Phosphorus is essential for strong bones and teeth. Cashews  are also a good source of protein and dietary fiber. Protein helps build muscle mass and can aid in weight loss, while dietary fiber supports regularity and bowel health. Additionally, cashews provide beneficial monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), which help reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood while maintaining good cholesterol levels. These

Understanding Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  OCD can manifest in many different ways. For some people, OCD might be characterized by obsessive thoughts that drive them to compulsively perform certain actions or rituals. Obsessive-compulsive disorder  (OCD) is a mental disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce anxiety, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety, or by a combination of both. These thoughts and behaviors can be classified into four categories: cleaning/washing, checking, counting, and symmetry. People with OCD often feel ashamed and embarrassed about their condition and may keep it secret. They may worry that others will think they are crazy or dirty. But OCD is actually a very common disorder. About 1 in 40 adults has OCD. It can occur at any age but often starts during adolescence or early adulthood. OCD  can manifest in many different ways. For some people, OCD might be characterized by obsessive thoughts that drive them to compulsively perform certain actions or rituals. Fo...

What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who have completed specialty training in psychiatry. Psychiatrists  are medical doctors who have completed specialty training in psychiatry. They are able to prescribe medications, which is not something that psychologists can do. Psychologists have a doctoral degrees in psychology, and many of them specialize in psychotherapy - helping people work through their problems by talking about them. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who have completed a residency in psychiatry. They are able to prescribe medications. Psychologists are not medical doctors and do not prescribe medications. Psychologists typically have a doctoral degree in psychology. The main difference between  psychiatrists  and psychologists is that psychiatrists are licensed to prescribe medication, while psychologists are not. Psychiatrists may also provide therapy, while psychologists generally do not. However, many psychiatrists also provide therapy, and many psychologists...

Diabetes diet: Create your healthy-eating plan

  and vegetables. The  best diabetes  diet is one that is low in refined carbohydrates and sugars, and rich in healthy fats, proteins, and vegetables. This type of diet can help to keep blood sugar levels under control and prevent the complication of diabetes. There are many different ways to create a healthy diabetes diet plan, but some basic principles include eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day, avoiding processed foods and sugary drinks, and incorporating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains into your meals. It is also important to get regular exercise as this can help to keep blood sugar levels in check. If you are struggling to control your diabetes with diet alone, there are medications available that can help you reach your goals. When it comes to  diabetes,  there is no one-size-fits-all diet. Of course, eating healthy is important for everyone, but if you have diabetes, it's even more important to pay attention to wha...

Watery eyes

  Watery eyes could be due to allergies, an infection, or a more serious condition like glaucoma. Watery eyes  are a common symptom of allergies, infection, and other issues. Allergies are the most common cause of watery eyes, however, there are many other possible causes. Infection and inflammation of the eye, for example, can also lead to watery eyes. Other potential causes include excess tear production (lacrimation), foreign bodies in the eye, blocked tear ducts, or certain medications. If you experience watery eyes, it is best to consult with a doctor or allergist to determine the underlying cause. Treatment for watery eyes will vary depending on the cause but may include oral or topical antihistamines, antibiotics, steroids, or surgery. Watery eyes  could be due to allergies, an infection, or a more serious condition like glaucoma. If you experience watery eyes on a regular basis, it's important to see your doctor so they can determine the cause and help you find re...

Psychiatrists near me: specialist doctor you need to call & when.

  Psychiatrists  mainly provide psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, consultation, research, teaching, diagnosis, and evaluation. They may prescribe medications since they're specially trained to know when medications are needed for psychiatric treatments even if it's just for short-term needs or meditation techniques to help them when they're having anxiety attacks or depression episodes that won't go away without professional intervention. Psychologists tend to address broad aspects of behavior while psychiatrists focus more on deep-rooted psychological problems like schizophrenia which requires both medication treatment but also intensive therapy to be properly treated through talk therapy alone like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Everything About Liver Function Tests- Purpose & Significance

  Liver Function Tests (LFTs) are a group of tests that measure the levels and function of various substances in the blood leave before digestion and within the liver. Everything About Liver Function Tests- Purpose & Significance Liver function tests  are medical laboratory tests that measure the number of various substances in the blood that are released into your blood by liver cells or made by your liver. These substances are often called "liver enzymes" because they are enzymes that are produced exclusively by the liver to help regulate metabolism for processing chemicals, nutrients, and drugs. A high level of any one of these may suggest an abnormal situation involving your liver. The most common symptoms associated with a problem involving your liver include nausea, vomiting, yellowing skin color (jaundice), fever, and abdominal discomfort such as pain on gentle pressing around about halfway down on the right side of the abdomen.  

How to treat low blood sugar?

  The most straightforward answer is to consume a high glycemic index, low-fat snack - for example, vegetables or some fruit. How to treat  low blood sugar? One should have a small snack every few hours, such as a handful of nuts or fruit. Some other tips are not to eat a high carb dinner and if you must, limit the carbs to 30 grams or so. Finally, it's also important to first take care of any dehydration issue through water consumption prior to consuming juice as this will increase your chances of getting  too much sugar  fast from all those sugars from the pasteurized juices. When  glucose levels  fall low enough that brain function becomes impaired, one exhibits signs and symptoms such as tremors or shaking, slurred speech, unsteady gait (walking), confusion, and agitation; these can be quickly reversed by eating some foods containing sugar like raisins. Eating more protein will give you a better chance of stabilizing your blood sugar by spiking your ins...

What are the benefits of Aloe Vera?

  Aloe Vera  is a plant with "healing" properties. It's been known to heal burns, wounds, and other skin ailments for centuries now. The Aloe vera plant thrives in hot, dry environments making it well-suited to desert regions of the world which are also among the poorest areas of the world where less access to   healthcare   eliminates many injuries before they can get better on their own. The benefits of aloe vera are quite straightforward - lower infection rates accelerated healing time, and lower health care costs because aloe has demonstrated superior results when left untreated or without expensive pharmaceuticals that provide little benefit. Aloe Vera helps to soothe skin during sunburns, lessen the appearance of scars after pimple/wart removal or laser surgery, soften dry skin on elbows and heels, reduce itching caused by insect bites/eczema allergies. Aloe Vera's antibiotic properties help control acne inflammation. The gel can be used as a cleanser for oily ...

What are the health benefits of curcumin?

  Curcumin has a number of benefits, but the most notable is that it boosts the activation and synthesis of proteins in cancer cells. What are the health benefits of  curcumin ? Curcumin has a number of benefits, but the most notable is that it boosts the activation and synthesis of proteins in  cancer cells . Boost the production of enzymes – Research indicates that curcumin increases nitric oxide synthase to stimulate blood vessel dilation and improve circulation. Relieve inflammation – Curcuminoids inhibit tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), an inflammatory hormone manufactured by organs such as the spleen,  liver , bone marrow, and intestinal tract during injuries or infections. Enhance calorie expenditure – In lab tests on mice found at molecular medicine those given doses of curcumin had a 2x increase in their calorie expenditure rate for up to 16 hours after treatment began. Curcumin may help to spice up the gastrointestinal system and provide rel...

Hemorrhoids Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention?

  Hemorrhoids are blood vessels in the anal region that have become engorged with blood, swollen, and inflamed. Hemorrhoids  Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention? Hemorrhoids are blood vessels in the anal region that have become engorged with blood, swollen, and inflamed. They can cause pain, itchiness, hemorrhoid skin tags, rectal bleeding/spotting, fecal incontinence or discharge. There are many causes of hemorrhoids including  chronic  constipation or diarrhea resulting from pregnancy or dieting; genetics; age over 40; immobility (such as for several hours during long trips); lack of muscle tone in the pelvic floor muscles. Regardless of what caused your condition however- there are many treatments available to reduce symptoms and get relief fast!

How to conceive twins?

  In this article we will talk about how to have twins. There are some genetic factors and medical procedures that may raise the possibility to have twin baby. However It can be guaranteed naturally but You shouldn't leave having twins to chance - having double the adorableness of a newborn is not entirely under your control. There are a few things you may do to improve your chances of conceiving twins. You can have identical (or monozygous) twins or fraternal twins. Let's dicuss here. Facts to Know Before Conceiving Twins It's possible to conceive twins by getting pregnant while ovulating two eggs at the same time. Fertilization of both eggs produces 2 zygotes and so doubles your chances of having a twin pregnancy. If you want to increase the odds of having a set of twins born, it’s helpful to identify when you are most likely to be ovulating and time intercourse accordingly with the use of an ovulation prediction kit. However, there is no scientific evidence that prenat...

For what symptoms you should consult an endocrinologist?

  Some of the health problems that an endocrinologist might be consulted for are diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, adrenal disorders, insulin-induced hypoglycemia with severe neurologic injury For what symptoms you should consult an endocrinologist?   Some of the health problems that an  endocrinologist  might be consulted for are diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, adrenal disorders, insulin-induced hypoglycemia with severe neurologic injury following  gastric surgery  or ingestion of large doses of long-acting insulins.   If you have any concerning symptoms about your hormones or thyroid gland which you cannot otherwise explain by yourself then it is worth asking for a  consultation with an Endocrinologist . You can consult one anywhere in the world through Second Medic Consultation online.  

Vitamin B12: What to Know

  Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is involved in the metabolism of every cell in the body. It is important for the formation of red blood cells and for the maintenance of the nervous system. Vitamin B12 : What to Know There are a lot of vitamins and minerals that our bodies need in order to function properly, and vitamin B12 is one of them. This essential nutrient helps to produce red blood cells, maintain nerve function, and assist in the metabolism of fat and protein. So if you're not getting enough vitamin B12, it can lead to some pretty serious health problems. That's why it's important to know what foods are high in vitamin B12, as well as how much of this nutrient you need each day. Here's what you need to know about vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that plays an important role in many of the body’s processes, including forming red blood cells, helping nerve cells function properly, and making DNA. Most people get the vitamin B12 they need by eat...

Vitamin D Deficiency

  A lack of vitamin D can lead to a number of health problems, the most serious of which is osteoporosis. Vitamin D Deficiency A lack of vitamin D can lead to a number of health problems, the most serious of which is osteoporosis. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, so a deficiency can lead to weak bones and an increased risk of fractures. Other potential problems associated with low levels of vitamin D include: · Rickets in children – a condition that results in soft, weak bones and can cause bowlegs, knock knees, and curved spine · Skeletal pain and muscle weakness · Depression · Poor immunity – making you more susceptible to infections such as the flu or colds · High blood pressure · Increased risk of some types of cancer, such as ovarian cancer

Thyroid Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Testing

  Thyroid disease is a condition that affects the thyroid gland, which is located in the front of your neck. There are a number of causes for  thyroid disease,  including autoimmune diseases, radiation exposure, and iodine deficiency. Some risk factors include having a family history of thyroid disease, being female (thyroid disease is more common in women), and being over the age of 60. Symptoms can vary depending on the type of thyroid disease but may include weight gain or loss, fatigue, hair loss, constipation, and muscle weakness. Thyroid function  can be tested through a blood test that measures levels of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone). If TSH levels are high it suggests that the thyroid is not working properly and further testing may be necessary to diagnose the specific type of thyroid disease. Thyroid disease is a condition that affects the thyroid gland, which is located in the front of your neck. The thyroid gland produces hormones that help control you...

Cardiac risk markers: What is a cardiac marker test?

  Cardiac risk markers are blood tests that indicate the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease. Cardiac risk markers: What is a cardiac marker test? Cardiac risk markers  are blood tests that indicate the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease. The markers include cholesterol, glucose, uric acid, hemoglobin A1c (blood sugar level), and much more. There's a great experiment you can do to find out what your risks are. If you eat one teaspoon of sugar this week and keep your diet as close to normal as possible for three days afterward, these levels will go up! Eating all the same foods saves time and money because it gives insight into just how high numbers need to be before doctors say "let's take things seriously." Cardiac risk factors are things that put you at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Factors such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, smoking, and a family history of cardiovascular disease all elevate yo...

Cardiologists near me: specialist doctor you need to call & when.

  Cardiologists near me: Understanding which specialist doctor you need to call & when . Cardiologists  take care of patients with heart conditions, perform surgeries to repair damaged hearts, and diagnose congenital heart defects in infants. They work closely with other physicians, including neurologists who deal with hypertension, vascular surgeons who repair blocked arteries, cardiothoracic surgeons who open chests to repair or replace diseased or malfunctioning organs within the chest cavity (e.g., the lungs), pulmonologists who specialize in lung diseases affecting your breathing process and cardio-pulmonary specialists that specialize in treating many disorders related to AIMS - atrial inflow into the left ventricle of your heart. Cardiologists are doctors who specialize in conditions involving the heart and blood vessels. They often deal with fellow physicians to diagnose cardiovascular problems, prescribe treatments, perform procedures, and counsel patients on how ...

Immunologists near me: specialist doctor you need to call & when.

  Immunologists typically work to understand how the body responds to a variety of different bacteria and viruses. Immunologists  typically work to understand how the body responds to a variety of different bacteria and viruses. The role of the immunologist is usually divided into two categories. The first category consists of those that attack pathogens from outside, known as "immunologically active cells" which include neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells, and natural killer cells. The other half consists of those that provide immunity from within the body, such as T-cells and B-cells. A typical example is a new drug that has been tested on mice but not yet humans, then the immunologist will have checked for any adverse reactions beforehand. One of their main jobs is also diagnosing illnesses or cancers by looking at samples from people with symptoms which can be compared to samples of these same infections or cancer cells in a lab. If there was evidence of infection t...

Pediatricians near me: specialist doctor you need to call & when.

  Pediatricians are medical doctors who specialize in caring for infants, children, and adolescents with a range of developmental disabilities as well as common diseases such as asthma or diabetes. Pediatricians  are doctors that specialize in children from birth to 18 years old. Pediatricians take care of infants, toddlers, and school-aged children for checkups, vaccines, and when they get sick. This includes everything from sore throats or earaches to cancer treatments. Pediatricians are doctors who specialize in the care of children. Pediatricians are trained to diagnose disease, provide preventive health care, prescribe medication, counsel on diet and nutrition for health problems that may be present at birth or acquired later - babies through adolescents. Some pediatricians can be generalists treating all conditions seen at a clinic while others focus on specific areas such as surgery or developmental pediatrics. Pediatricians work with their patients to develop long-rang...

What are the recommended medical tests by age 30?

  By age 30, it is generally recommended that you have a complete physical examination, including routine testing for cholesterol levels. What are the recommended  medical tests  by age 30? By age 30, it is generally recommended that you have a complete physical examination, including routine testing for cholesterol levels. We also recommend routine screening for  osteoporosis  by getting routine bone density tests to assess your risk of developing the disease. We would also recommend that women have Pap smear examinations annually or as recommended by their physician. And if they are sexually active outside of marriage, they should be tested for AIDS at regular intervals. If you are an older adult after the age of 60, you need to make sure to get screened annually with PSA or prostate-specific antigen testing and mammograms or other breast cancer screening as well as colonoscopies starting at age 50. These are just some guidelines for what tests might be sugges...

Orthopedic Doctor & Surgeon near me: specialist doctor you need to call

  Orthopedic   doctors study the correct alignment, functioning, and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic doctors and surgeons are medical professionals with the most in-depth knowledge of not just bones, but how they fit together. They're skilled in all things related to assisting in fractures, treating arthritis, stabilizing joints, and most importantly they're able to see past the surface of your anatomical structure (beyond that literal x-ray) for various ways they can help prevent injuries or treat them when they do happen. Most people see an orthopedist if they have trouble walking or bending over because of pain in their lower back or hip, knee, shoulder, and neck. Patients of an orthopedic doctor might seek help for muscle strains and other injuries like a broken arm, problems with joints like hips and knees, or sport-related issues such as tennis elbow or foot problems.

Everything About Liver Function Tests- Purpose & Significance

  Liver function tests   are medical laboratory tests that measure the number of various substances in the blood that are released into your blood by liver cells or made by your liver. These substances are often called "liver enzymes" because they are enzymes that are produced exclusively by the liver to help regulate metabolism for processing chemicals, nutrients, and drugs. A high level of any one of these may suggest an abnormal situation involving your liver. The most common symptoms associated with a problem involving your liver include nausea, vomiting, yellowing skin color (jaundice), fever, and abdominal discomfort such as pain on gentle pressing around about halfway down on the right side of the abdomen.

Urologists near me: Specialist doctor you need to call & when.

  A   urologist   diagnoses and treats diseases of the urinary tract. Urologists are medical doctors who specialize in kidney and bladder issues, erectile dysfunction, prostate health, or kidney stones. What Patients Need to Know about Urology Procedures Urinary tract infections  (UTIs) are one of the most common reasons for visits to a urologist's office. Only about 25% of UTIs get better without treatment--the majority involve invasive exams or treatments like antibiotics or hospitalization. Most people require 5-14 days of therapy to eradicate the infection completely--longer if they have underlying conditions that predispose them to chronic urinary tract inflammation.

What does a lipid panel test if the lipid profile is high?

  Lipid panels are a measurement of triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol. What does a lipid panel test for & What happens if the lipid profile is high? The  lipid pane l tests for the number of triglycerides, cholesterol, and HDLC in your bloodstream. Triglycerides are a form of fat produced by the liver during digestion. Cholesterol is a type of fat produced by each cell's mitochondria as part of metabolism and it can be found in your blood vessels too. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) removes fats from the walls of arteries and carries them to the liver where they become low-density lipoprotein (LDL). LDLs carry cholesterol that cannot be used to make cells or hormones back into body cells to be recycled back into appropriate tissues such as skin or muscle. The lipid panel is a list of tests used to determine levels of LDL, triglycerides, and HDL cholesterol in the bloodstream. A blood sample is drawn from the patient to analyze three...

vitamin profile test and Why a vitamin test is important?

  A vitamin profile test measures the vitamin, mineral, and other nutrient levels in your blood. What is a vitamin profile test and Why a vitamin test is important? A vitamin profile test measures the vitamin, mineral, and other nutrient levels in your blood. Vitamin profile tests  can help determine deficiencies in specific vitamins, minerals, or nutrients that the individual may have. A "vitamin panel" is a routine blood test that checks for these deficiencies. Vitamin B12 Thiamine (B1) Iron Folate Calcium Phosphorus Iodine  Bone Mass Tests Measurement of bone density or hip cancer risk screening with X-rays are not diagnostic tests for determining osteoporosis risk. Rather they are markers to be used with other information to assess an individual's potential for developing  osteoporosis.

Diet Chart for Weight Gain

  The best diet chart for weight gain is one that is high in protein and calories. The best diet chart for  weight gain  is one that is high in protein and calories. You should aim to eat a minimum of 1,600-1,800 calories per day, with at least 30% of those coming from protein. You'll also want to make sure you're getting plenty of vitamins and minerals to support your health and help with weight gain. Consider taking a multivitamin supplement if you're not getting all the nutrients you need from food. There is no one-size-fits-all diet chart for weight gain. What works for one person may not work for another. However, a general guideline to follow is to eat more calories than you burn each day. In order to  gain weight,  you need to eat more healthy foods that are high in protein and calories. Good sources of protein include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, and legumes. Healthy fats such as olive oil and nuts can also help boost your calorie int...

Diet Chart for Weight Loss

  The best diet chart for weight loss depends on a few factors, including your current weight, height, and fitness level. There is no one-size-fits-all diet chart for  weight loss,  as the best way to lose weight depends on your individual needs and goals. However, there are some general guidelines you can follow to create a healthy and sustainable diet plan that will help you lose weight in a healthy way. First, focus on including plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein in your diet. These foods are—nutrient-dense and will help fill you up while helping you reach your weight loss goals. You should also aim to limit sugary drinks, processed snacks, and refined carbs like white bread and pasta. Instead, opt for healthier snacks like fruits and nuts or whole-grain crackers with peanut butter. If you are trying to lose weight, watching what you eat is crucial. Creating a diet chart can help ensure that you are getting the nutrients your body needs while ...

How do you identify liver problems?

  Symptoms indicating issues with the liver include right upper abdominal pain, yellowing of your skin, or the whites of your eyes because of high bilirubin levels in the bloodstream. How do I identify  liver  problems? Symptoms indicating issues with the liver include right upper abdominal pain, yellowing of your skin, or the whites of your eyes because of high bilirubin levels in the bloodstream. The following symptoms could be indicative of liver problems: Abdominal pain or discomfort in the upper right part of your abdomen that worsens when you lean to the left, for example, while lying on your back. This is the location of the liver. Pain under your right rib cage. This can also be a sign of a  gallbladder problem  or pancreatitis, but it's less common than signs from other organs underneath this area - such as inflammation from nearby organs. If you have signs from both areas, then this would be a good time to see a doctor further about determining if one ...

Understanding Online Doctor Consultation

  Telehealth  services generally address gaps in health care when patients can't get to their providers or local clinics - either due to the distance they live from services, financial barriers, illness, or may not have any other providers near them. Some of these reasons people might use telehealth are for preventive care like annual physicals and vaccinations; mental health screenings; interventions like smoking cessation courses; or chronic disease management with remote monitoring (e.g. blood pressure).   Telemedicine   is also used in "distant" areas with limited access to healthcare where it is not feasible to travel out of an area with no medical professionals for common services such as laboratory testing or urgent care visits. The benefits of telehealth include  24/7 healthcare  without the worry of long waits in an emergency room, improved patient outcomes due to timely care, improved patient experience with more efficient and compassionate care, ...

Why is cholesterol management important?

  Cholesterol is a major component of cell membranes and provides rigidity, controls permeability, and regulates fat transport. It also helps regulate inflammation, homeostasis (balance), immune response, nerve signaling function, thyroid hormone activity, sex hormone activation/control/synthesis from complex proteins from ovarian follicles. Cholesterol is an essential structural component of all human cell membranes and also supports all other cell functions—and without sufficient dietary intake or production by the liver that amount in the bloodstream declines. Cholesterol can cause arterial plaque buildup which is one of the main underlying causes of heart disease. It also encourages the formation of an atherosclerotic deposit. Since cholesterol-rich atheromatous plaques are less stable than normal vessels, they are prone to rupture, and then they subsequently cross into their stable neighbors causing turbulence in blood flow.

What causes stomach/ bowel inflammation? How to treat it?

  There are a number of reasons why the stomach and bowel may be inflamed, including excessive or prolonged stress, eating a high-sugar diet, eating processed foods with sugar and preservatives, dehydra What causes stomach/  bowel inflammation ? How to treat it? There are a whole bunch of microbes that live in the human gut and some of these microbes can create inflammation. Dysbiosis is a term for an unbalanced microbial community or something else going on with the gut microbiome, and it's been associated with many inflammatory bowel conditions like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Antibiotics and other medications can change the gut microbiome - if they kill off too many good guys, bad guys will take over. High sugar diets also feed some bacteria that cause inflammation since those bacteria thrive under those conditions. Stress is another factor; stress hormones can increase intestinal permeability (the lining of your intestines becomes more porous as a result).

What Happens If You Eat Too Much Salt?

  if people continue to eat high doses of dietary salt, they may experience edema--swelling or puffiness caused by excessive water retention-- which is marked by hands and feet swelling up. What Happens If You Eat Too Much Salt? Eating too  much salt  causes a few minor problems that can spiral out of control in extreme cases. The human body regulates its own sodium levels through a complex feedback system with the kidneys. This natural process works well, in general, when habitually ingesting a small amount of  sodium daily  in food and fluid. Those who eat a lot more than the recommended intake of salt have to increase the output from their  kidneys  to flush it from their system but eventually may have difficulty excreting any more without help from medical intervention. In extreme cases, if people continue to eat high doses of dietary salt, they may experience edema--swelling or puffiness caused by excessive water retention-- which is marked by han...

What is preventive health checkup?

  Preventive health screenings are important because they can help identify health risks before they become serious. A  preventive health checkup  is a visit to your doctor to screen for potential health problems. The goal is to catch any problems early when they're easier to treat. Screening tests vary depending on your age, sex, and medical history, but may include a physical exam, blood pressure check, cholesterol test, and screening for cancer and other diseases. Preventive health screenings  are important because they can help identify health risks before they become serious. Many health problems — including heart disease, stroke, cancer, and type 2 diabetes — can be prevented or at least detected early through regular screenings. If you have any questions about what screenings are right for you, talk to your doctor.

Understanding Kidney Function Test

  A   kidney function test  is a blood or urine test that checks how well your kidneys are working. The kidneys remove waste products and excess fluid from the body. They also make hormones that control blood pressure, red blood cell production, and calcium levels. Some common tests for kidney function include: • Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level • Creatinine level • Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) • Urinalysis The main purpose of a  kidney function test  is to assess the level of creatinine and urea in the blood. These proteins are produced when muscle tissue is damaged, so their levels in the blood can be used to estimate how well the kidneys are filtering waste products from the blood.

Understanding Acid reflux

  Acid reflux  occurs when the contents of your stomach rise up into your esophagus, which is the muscular tube that connects your mouth and stomach. This condition is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). When you have acid reflux, you may experience heartburn, indigestion, chest pain, and difficulty swallowing. Acid reflux can be a chronic condition or it can occur occasionally after eating certain foods or drinking certain beverages. There are a number of things that can cause  acid reflux  including dietary choices, lifestyle choices, medications, and other medical conditions. Acid reflux is a condition in which acid from the stomach rises up into the esophagus. This can cause symptoms such as heartburn, chest pain, and dysphagia (difficulty swallowing). Acid reflux is a common condition, affecting up to one-third of the population. There are many possible causes of acid reflux, including diet, lifestyle factors, and underlying medical conditions....

Understanding Hematoma Symptoms, Diagnosis, Cause & Treatment

  Hematomas  are usually caused by an injury to the blood vessels. This can cause bleeding into the surrounding tissues. The most common symptom of a hematoma is a lump or mass that can be felt under the skin. Other symptoms may include bruising, pain, and swelling. Diagnosis is typically made based on physical examination and imaging studies such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Treatment typically involves either surgical drainage or observation. If a hematoma is large or causing significant symptoms, it may need to be surgically removed. otherwise, they often resolve on their own over time. A  hematoma  is a collection of blood that has seeped out of a blood vessel and pooled in the surrounding tissues. Hematomas can occur anywhere in the body, but are most commonly seen on the scalp, in the brain, or beneath the skin A small hematoma may cause no symptoms at all. A larger hematoma may cause pain, swelling, and tenderness at the sit...

Understanding Creatinine Blood Test

  The creatinine blood test is typically ordered as part of a kidney panel or chemistry profile, which includes other tests that evaluate kidney function. A  creatinine blood test  is a test that measures the level of creatinine in your blood. Creatinine is a waste product that is produced by your muscles and filtered out by your kidneys. If your kidneys are not functioning properly, the level of creatinine in your blood will increase. The normal range for creatinine in adults is 0.6 to 1.3 mg/dL. A increase in the level of creatinine in your blood may be due to: - Kidney disease - Liver disease - Muscle injury or illness - Heart failure - Eating large amounts of meat or tofu - Taking certain medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or some

Buttock Pain: Symptoms, cause, prevention, and treatment

  Symptoms of buttock pain can vary widely, from a dull ache to a sharp or stabbing sensation. Symptoms of  buttock pain  can vary widely, from a dull ache to a sharp or stabbing sensation. The cause of the pain can be difficult to determine without a thorough physical examination by a doctor. However, some of the most common causes of buttock pain include: -Sitting for long periods of time in an uncomfortable position - muscular tension or spasms in the buttock’s muscles - sciatica - a condition caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down the back of each leg - herniated disc - a common cause of sciatica, in which one or more discs between the vertebrae rupture and allow some of the soft inner material

Stretch Marks: Causes and Treatment

  Stretch marks   are markings that often show up on the skin during pregnancy, estrus, or rapid growth spurts. They’re usually red or purple at first, but eventually fade to a silvery white. Pregnancy is the most common cause of stretch marks, but they can also be caused by weight gain during puberty or from certain medical conditions like Cushing’s syndrome. While stretch marks are harmless and don’t pose any health risks, many people find them unsightly and are looking for ways to get rid of them. There are a number of treatment options available for  stretch marks , though none of them are guaranteed to work.  Stretch marks are markings that can occur on the skin during periods of rapid growth or stretching. The most common places they appear are on the thighs, buttocks, stomach, and breasts. During pregnancy, these markings often show up around the sixth or seventh month as the skin stretches to accommodate a growing belly.

Immunologists near me: specialist doctor you need to call & when.

  Immunologists   typically work to understand how the body responds to a variety of different bacteria and viruses. The role of the immunologist is usually divided into two categories. The first category consists of those that attack pathogens from outside, known as "immunologically active cells" which include neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells, and natural killer cells. The other half consists of those that provide immunity from within the body, such as T-cells and B-cells. A typical example is a new drug that has been tested on mice but not yet humans, then the immunologist will have checked for any adverse reactions beforehand. One of their main jobs is also diagnosing illnesses or cancers by looking at samples from people with symptoms which can be compared to samples of these same infections or cancer cells in a lab. If there was evidence of infection this would give further tests such as blood work and cultures. Immunologists mainly look for these 3 things: hema...

Pediatricians near me: specialist doctor you need to call & when.

  Pediatricians are medical doctors who specialize in caring for infants, children, and adolescents with a range of developmental disabilities as well as common diseases such as asthma or diabetes. Pediatricians  are doctors that specialize in children from birth to 18 years old. Pediatricians take care of infants, toddlers, and school-aged children for checkups, vaccines, and when they get sick. This includes everything from sore throats or earaches to cancer treatments. Pediatricians are doctors who specialize in the care of children. Pediatricians are trained to diagnose disease, provide preventive health care, prescribe medication, counsel on diet and nutrition for health problems that may be present at birth or acquired later - babies through adolescents. Some pediatricians can be generalists treating all conditions seen at a clinic while others focus on specific areas such as surgery or developmental pediatrics. Pediatricians work with their patients to develop long-rang...

What are the recommended medical tests by age 30?

  By age 30, it is generally recommended that you have a complete physical examination, including routine testing for cholesterol levels. We also recommend routine screening for  osteoporosis  by getting routine bone density tests to assess your risk of developing the disease. We would also recommend that women have Pap smear examinations annually or as recommended by their physician. And if they are sexually active outside of marriage, they should be tested for AIDS at regular intervals. If you are an older adult after the age of 60, you need to make sure to get screened annually with PSA or prostate-specific antigen testing and mammograms or other breast cancer screening as well as colonoscopies starting at age 50. These are just some guidelines for what tests might be suggested at age 30.

Orthopedic Doctor & Surgeon near me: specialist doctor you need to call

  Orthopedic   doctors study the correct alignment, functioning, and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic doctors and surgeons are medical professionals with the most in-depth knowledge of not just bones, but how they fit together. They're skilled in all things related to assisting in fractures, treating arthritis, stabilizing joints, and most importantly they're able to see past the surface of your anatomical structure (beyond that literal x-ray) for various ways they can help prevent injuries or treat them when they do happen. Most people see an orthopedist if they have trouble walking or bending over because of pain in their lower back or hip, knee, shoulder, and neck. Patients of an orthopedic doctor might seek help for muscle strains and other injuries like a broken arm, problems with joints like hips and knees, or sport-related issues such as tennis elbow or foot problems.

How effective is breast cancer screening?

  There are two commonly used types of breast cancer screening. One is mammography, which uses X-rays to examine the breasts in detail. The other is breast ultrasound screening. Mammograms  are a type of screening where images of the breast tissue are taken. Mammograms detect breast cancer cells in mammary glands, as well as identify growths and tumors that might not be found at a physical exam. A mammogram is basically a high-quality picture that takes different views from all angles to show anything off from tissues to cysts or clots hidden within the breasts. The overwhelming majority of women with breast cancer have no identifiable risk factors and their tumors were detected by screening mammography. But about 85% of the time, a mammographic abnormality found through routine screening is benign and will never cause a woman any harm during her lifetime. The potential to save lives from breast cancer overshadows this downside, but it brings up questions about whether we're j...