
Showing posts from June, 2022

Specialist Doctors providing Expert medical Opinions on Symptoms of a Brain Tumor

  Symptoms of a brain tumor can include headaches, nausea, vomiting, changes in vision, seizures, and changes in mood or behavior. Medical Opinion 1 Some common symptoms of a brain tumor include: -Severe, persistent headaches -Nausea and vomiting -Blurred vision or changes in sight, such as double vision -Dizziness or difficulty walking Specialist Doctors providing Expert medical Opinions on Symptoms of a Brain Tumor | Secondmedic

Stretch Marks: Causes and Treatment

  Stretch marks are markings that often appear on the skin during periods of fast growth or change. Stretch marks  are markings that often show up on the skin during pregnancy, estrus, or rapid growth spurts. They’re usually red or purple at first, but eventually fade to a silvery white. Pregnancy is the most common cause of stretch marks, but they can also be caused by weight gain during puberty or from certain medical conditions like Cushing’s syndrome. While stretch marks are harmless and don’t pose any health risks, many people find them unsightly and are looking for ways to get rid of them. There are a number of treatment options available for  stretch marks , though none of them are guaranteed to work.  Stretch marks are markings that can occur on the skin during periods of rapid growth or stretching. The most common places they appear are on the thighs, buttocks, stomach, and breasts. During pregnancy, these markings often show up around the sixth or seventh m...

Vitamin D Deficiency

  A lack of vitamin D can lead to a number of health problems, the most serious of which is osteoporosis. Vitamin D Deficiency A lack of vitamin D can lead to a number of health problems, the most serious of which is osteoporosis. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, so a deficiency can lead to weak bones and an increased risk of fractures. Other potential problems associated with low levels of vitamin D include: · Rickets in children – a condition that results in soft, weak bones and can cause bowlegs, knock knees, and curved spine · Skeletal pain and muscle weakness · Depression · Poor immunity – making you more susceptible to infections such as the flu or colds · High blood pressure · Increased risk of some types of cancer, such as ovarian cancer Vitamin D Deficiency | Secondmedic

Understanding what is endoscopy !

  Endoscopy is a medical procedure where a doctor inserts a small camera into the body to examine the internal organs and tissues. Medical Expert 1 An endoscopy is a medical procedure during which doctors look inside the body using a long, flexible tube equipped with a camera. The tube is inserted through the mouth or rectum. An endoscopy can be used to examine the digestive tract, identify any problems such as ulcers or blockages, and take biopsies (samples of tissue). Endoscopies are important tools in diagnosing and treating many conditions of the digestive system. Some endoscopies may be performed under sedation while others may not require any sedation at all. The doctor will determine what type of sedation, if any, is appropriate based on the reason for the procedure and other factors. Understanding what is endoscopy ! | Secondmedic

Everything About Liver Function Tests- Purpose & Significance

  Liver Function Tests (LFTs) are a group of tests that measure the levels and function of various substances in the blood leave before digestion and within the liver. Everything About Liver Function Tests- Purpose & Significance Liver function tests  are medical laboratory tests that measure the number of various substances in the blood that are released into your blood by liver cells or made by your liver. These substances are often called "liver enzymes" because they are enzymes that are produced exclusively by the liver to help regulate metabolism for processing chemicals, nutrients, and drugs. A high level of any one of these may suggest an abnormal situation involving your liver. The most common symptoms associated with a problem involving your liver include nausea, vomiting, yellowing skin color (jaundice), fever, and abdominal discomfort such as pain on gentle pressing around about halfway down on the right side of the abdomen. Everything About Liver Function Test...

Belly button infection - - cause, prevention, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment!

A belly button infection, or umbilical infection, is a common infection of the skin and tissues near the navel. Belly button infection  - - cause, prevention, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment!  A belly button infection, or umbilical infection, is a common infection of the skin and tissues near the navel. The most common cause of an umbilical infection is bacteria that enter the body through a break in the skin around the navel. An infection of the navel (or belly button) is a relatively common occurrence. The most common symptoms are pain, discharge, and a bad odor. Treatment typically involves antibiotics and/or surgery. The navel is a moist, warm environment that is conducive to the growth of bacteria. So it's not surprising that an infection can occur there. The most common cause of infection is contact with bacteria from dirty hands. Other causes include exposure to moisture (such as from sweating), using unclean instruments to pop the pimple in your navel, and hav...

How does Chemotherapy work in cancer?

  Chemotherapy works by destroying cancer cells with chemicals. The chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells by damaging their DNA, which stops the cells from dividing and growing. How does  Chemotherapy  work in cancer? Chemotherapy works by destroying cancer cells with chemicals. The chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells by damaging their DNA, which stops the cells from dividing and growing. As a result, the cancer cells die. The chemotherapy drugs can also damage normal, healthy cells. This can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and hair loss. Chemotherapy  works by interfering with the ability of cancer cells to divide and grow. There are several different chemotherapy drugs, and they work in different ways. But all of them aim to stop cancer cells from dividing and growing. Some chemotherapy drugs are more effective against certain types of cancer than others. And some chemotherapy drugs cause more side effects than others. So, your doctor will choose the d...

Can Sleep deprivation cause inflammation?

One study showed that people who got fewer than six hours of sleep per night for one week had increased levels of C-reactive protein (a marker of inflammation). Can Sleep deprivation cause  inflammation ? Yes, there is evidence that sleep deprivation can cause inflammation. One study showed that people who got fewer than six hours of sleep per night for one week had increased levels of C-reactive protein (a marker of inflammation). There are several potential mechanisms through which sleep deprivation could lead to inflammation, including changes in the production of cytokines (inflammatory proteins) and alterations in the gut microbiota. Sleep deprivation has also been shown to increase levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, which can promote inflammation. Sleep deprivation  has been linked with a number of health problems, including an increased risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. One major reason for this is that sleep deprivation can lead to inflammation. Wh...

What's Causing My Chest Pain?

Chest pain can also be caused by a variety of things, including heart problems, lung problems, and muscle pain. It's important to get checked out by a doctor to determine the cause of your chest pain. What's Causing My  Chest Pain ? Chest pain can be caused by several things, from a heart attack to acid reflux. However, in most cases, chest pain is not caused by a serious problem and can be treated with home remedies. Some of the most common causes of chest pain include: - Heart attack - Angina - Bronchitis or pneumonia - Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) - Pulmonary embolism   What's Causing My Chest Pain? | Secondmedic

What does it mean if your C reactive protein is high?

  C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein that your body produces in response to inflammation. Inflammation can be caused by many things, such as infection, injuries, or smoking. What does it mean if your  C reactive protein  is high? C-reactive protein (CRP) is a biomarker that is used to measure the amount of inflammation in the body. Elevated levels of CRP indicate that there is inflammation somewhere in the body. There are many conditions and diseases that can cause inflammation, including infection, autoimmune disorders, cancer, and heart disease. So, if your CRP levels are high, it could be an indication of any number of health problems. It's important to get checked out by a doctor to determine the root cause of the inflammation. High C-reactive protein (CRP)  levels indicate that you have inflammation somewhere in your body. This could be due to an infection, autoimmune disease, or any other type of inflammatory condition. It's important to determine the cause ...

What are the health benefits of plums?

  Plums are a good source of Vitamin C, dietary fiber, and potassium. They also contain small amounts of important nutrients like vitamin A and B-complex vitamins. What are the  health benefits  of plums? Plums are a good source of vitamin C and dietary fiber. A medium plum provides about 12% of the daily value (DV) for vitamin C and 5% of the DV for dietary fiber. Plum juice is also a good source of potassium, providing about 10% of the DV per 8-ounce serving. Plums  are also a good source of antioxidants, including anthocyanins, which give plums their dark purple color. Antioxidants scavenge harmful toxins and byproducts that can cause cellular damage, leading to inflammation and diseases such as cancer. One study found that eating at least one plum per day may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by up to 27%. Plums are also a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. They also contain some vitamin A and B6, as well as folate. One plum contai...

Is skin cancer really serious?

A good measure of the seriousness of skin cancer is its depth and how far it has spread to other parts of the body. Is skin cancer really serious? A good measure of the seriousness of skin  cancer  is its depth and how far it has spread to other parts of the body. Normal skin cancers are confined to the epidermis (outermost layer) or just below it - melanoma cells have already begun to invade into the dermal layer which can cause blindness, disfigurement, or death if not treated immediately. Thankfully there is a lot that can be done about this disease before any major damage can happen- either through specialty clinics like Second Medic Medical Consultation Online now in business that works with all major insurance companies OR by visiting your local dermatologist yourself. Skin cancer can be life-threatening but it's extremely rare because cells usually mutate before progressing. Skin cancer can kill you, and the prognosis for melanoma isn't necessarily good, as it tends to ...

What are the Common Signs & Symptoms of Autism ?

The trouble with diagnosing autism in children is that every child is different, developing at their own pace and in various parts of the brain. What are the Common Signs & Symptoms of Autism ? The common signs and symptoms of autism in  children  include lack of eye contact, repetitive hand movement, unusual fixations on objects or events like ceiling fans, and a failure to show meaning using tone and body language. Children with autism often develop some ability to understand empathy as they grow up but the earlier you identify it and seek treatment for your child the better chance, they have at making social connections. The most important thing is that early detection is very important to give your child time to learn social skills that will make their life easier when learning about everything else going on around them. When looking for new information on autism look no further than because we give you access to qualified medical advice from a special...

Hiccups are caused by involuntary contractions of your diaphragm

  Hiccups are caused by involuntary contractions of the muscles on both sides of your diaphragm that create a sound when air is forced through them. What causes hiccups? Hiccups are caused by involuntary contractions of the muscles on both sides of your diaphragm that create a sound when air is forced through them. Hiccups may also occur as a result of toxins, irregular heart rates, anxiety and many other things too. With  Second Medic  you can talk with an online doctor about what might be causing hiccups and get treatment in minutes. Hiccups are usually the result of eating too quickly, drinking carbonated drinks, or swallowing a big mouthful of air when eating or drinking. The solution is to drink them slowly and avoid fizzy water. Surgery, viral infections (like the flu), neurotransmitter problems, pregnancy complications can also cause hiccups. Allergies (to food additives or inhalants such as dust) are rarely the cause. Lastly, alcohol and sedatives are sometimes pr...

Regular Full Body diagnostics and Checkups?

  Regular full-body diagnostics and checkups are important for monitoring your overall health. What is the Importance of Regular Full Body diagnostics and Checkups? There are many important aspects of regular  full body diagnostics  and checks: -Preventative care for chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or cancer. For example, a yearly checkup includes screening tests on blood pressure levels, lipid profiles, and glucose levels. Prevention can help avoid early death by helping to find the problem that might cause it. Early detection of acute conditions like hepatitis B or C which allow diagnosis and treatment before they have a chance to develop into advanced diseases with more complications (by the time you know you're sick from an infection caused by these viruses is too late). Basically, if there's an infection that your immune system will eventually clear up, then identifying it sooner provides more time for immediate Regular Full Body diagnost...

gastric bypass? What are the benefits of a Gastric bypass?

  A gastric bypass is a weight loss surgery. For instance, the Roux-en-Y Gastric bypass procedure involves shortening of your esophagus and stomach, What is a gastric bypass? What are the benefits of a Gastric bypass? A gastric bypass is a weight loss surgery. For instance, the Roux-en-Y  Gastric bypass procedure  involves shortening of your esophagus and stomach, isolation of 2/3 of the stomach volume to create a small pouch from which the rest is "bypassed" (hence the name), and reattachment of the remaining 1/2 pouches so that food might be batched with pre-digested food from their intestine. The benefits are threefold: a shorter body; better sleep quality; and improved gastrointestinal function. With this in mind, it's important to remember that surgery isn't for everyone--the status quo needs to change extensively before obesity can qualify as a disease requiring A  Gastric bypass  is a surgical weight-loss jump where the size of the stomach is reduced by c...

Understanding Common and Unique Phobias

  There are three types of phobias: social phobia, agoraphobia and specific phobias. Do you have a fear of heights? Or loud noises? Maybe you're afraid of confined spaces, or Water? If you suffer from any of these common  phobias , you're not alone. In fact, millions of people around the world live with some form of anxiety or irrational fear. While most  phobias  are benign and cause little more than discomfort, some can severely impair a person's quality of life. In extreme cases, phobias can lead to panic attacks and even paralysis. So, what exactly is a phobia? And what causes them? Read on to find out. Phobias  come in all shapes and sizes. Some people are afraid of specific objects or situations, while others may have a more general fear of certain things. However, all phobias share one common trait: they cause significant anxiety and distress. There are many different kinds of phobias, but some of the most common include arachnophobia (fear of spiders), c...

How to Fall Asleep Fast

  There are a lot of different ways to fall asleep fast, but one of the most effective methods is to use progressive muscle relaxation. There are a number of things you can do to fall asleep fast. One of the most important thing is to create a sleep ritual that signals to your body that it is time to wind down and go to sleep. This can involve taking a bath, reading a book, or doing some light stretching. It is also important to create an environment that promotes sleep by keeping the room dark and cool. Finally, avoid watching television or using your computer in bed as this can make it harder to fall asleep. There are a few things you can do to fall  asleep fast.  First, relax your whole body and clear your mind by focusing on your breath. Second, visualize something calming, like a peaceful landscape or the waves crashing on a beach. Third, count backwards from 100 to 0, or repeat a mantra or Affirmation to yourself. Finally, if you still can’t sleep, get up and do som...

Erectile Dysfunction

  There are a number of potential causes of erectile dysfunction, including physical and psychological factors. There are a lot of potential causes of  erectile dysfunction,  from physical health problems to psychological issues. Some of the more common physical causes include heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by certain medications, including drugs used to treat high blood pressure, depression, and prostate cancer. Stress, anxiety, and relationship problems can also lead to ED. If you're having trouble getting or maintaining an erection, it's important to see your doctor so that he or she can rule out any potential medical causes. Treatment for erectile dysfunction depends on the underlying cause, but may include counseling, medication, or surgery. There are a lot of potential causes of erectile dysfunction, including physical problems, psychological problems, and lifestyle choices. Some physical problems t...

Cholesterol Management

  Cholesterol levels can be lowered by eating a healthy diet that is low in saturated and trans fats, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy weight. The best way to  lower cholesterol  is by making dietary changes and increasing physical activity. Dietary changes that can help lower cholesterol include: eating foods low in saturated fat and trans fat, eating foods high in fiber, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, avoiding sugary drinks, and moderate alcohol consumption. Physical activity helps to burn calories and thus helps reduce weight which has been linked with lower blood cholesterol levels. Regular aerobic exercise can also raise "good" HDL cholesterol levels and improve the function of the lining of blood vessels. The most important thing to remember is that cholesterol is not a "bad" molecule. In fact, cholesterol is essential for human life.  Cholesterol  is a critical component of all cell membranes, and it's also required for the prod...

Understanding Hair Transplant from Experts

  Hair transplant surgery is performed by removing strips of hair-bearing skin from the donor area and then dissecting them into small grafts. Expert 1 A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that moves hair follicles from a part of the body called the donor site to a bald or balding part of the body known as the recipient site. It is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness. Hair follicles are taken from the back of the head. The scalp on the back of the head is resistant to DHT and therefore DHT cannot cause hair loss in this area. The follicles are then placed into tiny incisions made in the balding area. The transplanted follicles will begin to grow hair within 4-6 months after surgery. New hairs will continue to grow for two or three years after surgery. Expert 2 The most common type of hair transplant surgery is called Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), also known as "strip" surgery. In this procedure, a strip of skin containing hair follicles is surgically r...

What are the Health Benefits of cucumber?

Cucumbers have a reputation for being a vegetable that is easy to grow and maintain. What are the Health Benefits of cucumber? Cucumbers  have a reputation for being a vegetable that is easy to grow and maintain. They stay cool in the summer, are great for perfect lunches, and provide a nice crunch when served with dips or other appetizers. Cucumber is without the high sodium content of pickles which makes it good for people on low sodium diets. It's also loaded with vitamin k & folic acid has no fat or  cholesterol  and contains antioxidants such as beta-carotene, folate, and potassium. In Eastern medicine it's often prescribed for treating eye conditions while cooking cucumbers can detoxify foods by releasing hydrogen sulfide gas from them--a process called 'whole gassing'. Cucumber contains vitamin K and cucurbitacins, which keep the body hydrated. Cucumber has a high potassium count, and keeps your heart healthy and beating normally.  Vitamin K  is essen...

Understanding cancer clinical trials?

  Cancer clinical trials are studies that test new treatments for different kinds of cancer. Understanding cancer clinical trials? Cancer  clinical trials are studies that test new treatments for different kinds of cancer. Participating in a  clinical trial  usually requires information about the participant's medical background, often including lab results and other health-related information. Some people who have specific types of cancers may be eligible for certain cancer clinical trials while others won't be eligible based on their type of cancer or its a stage in the progression. Different individuals will have different obstacles to get past when they want to participate in an FDA-approved trial. Medical researchers are constantly looking for new treatments to be used against all forms of cancer because no one treatment seems to work well enough on its own. Clinical trials are only done with patients whose doctors think could benefit from them. Clinical Trials ...

Can a person get pregnant while taking the pill?

  If an egg is released while the woman is on her period and sperm can make their way to it, fertilization may occur; this is called ovulation. Can a person get pregnant while taking the pill? Your doctor originally prescribed it for one reason, to  prevent pregnancy .  Many women use hormonal contraceptives in conjunction with other forms of contraception for added protection, but that's up to the individual or couple. Methods like condoms or diaphragms may also be more suitable for contexts where a woman is more concerned about STDs than about getting pregnant, such as same-sex relationships or long-distance relationships. Birth control pill does not protect against STDs or other infection. The pill should be used in conjunction with a condom to prevent pregnancy and STDS. Women should also take precautions when consuming beverages containing alcohol while taking the birth control pill. This is because high levels of alcohol can interfere with contraception and increase...

Benefits of Ginger

  Ginger has long been used as an effective remedy for nausea and vomiting, particularly during pregnancy. Ginger  is a popular spice with a wide range of purported health benefits. These potential benefits are largely due to the compounds gingerol and shogaol, which are present in large quantities in fresh ginger root. Ginger  has long been used as an effective remedy for nausea and vomiting, particularly during pregnancy. It is also commonly used to helped relieve stomach pain (dyspepsia). There is some evidence that compounds in ginger may help inhibit the growth of various types of bacteria, making it a valuable natural food preservative. Ginger  has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments. Some of the benefits of ginger include reducing inflammation, easing nausea and stomach discomfort, and boosting immunity. Recent scientific research has shown that ginger can be effective in treating nausea caused by pregnancy, chemother...

Importance of Medical Second Opinion shared by ten different specialists?

  A second opinion is always a good idea when it comes to your health. Getting a consultation from another doctor can give you a different perspective on your disease or illness and may even lead to a different diagnosis. Sometimes it's helpful to get a medical second opinion for advice on treatment options or for a second opinion on surgery. In some cases, insurance will cover the cost of getting a second opinion from another doctor. Be sure to check with your insurance company to see if this is an option.

Tonsillitis Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

  Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils. The tonsils are a pair of small, bean-shaped organs located at the back of the throat. Tonsillitis  is an inflammation of the tonsils. The tonsils are a pair of soft, fleshy masses located on either side of the throat in the back of the mouth. Tonsillitis is a common infection that mainly affects children, but it can occur at any age. Tonsillitis is most often caused by a viral infection, but it can also be caused by a bacterial infection or by allergens. Tonsillitis  causes a sore throat, pain when swallowing, and swollen tonsils. It is often accompanied by a fever and other cold or flu symptoms. Tonsillitis is typically diagnosed based on symptoms and physical examination findings. Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils, which are located in the back of your throat. The infection can cause swelling and inflammation of the tonsils, as well as a sore throat, fever, headache, and body aches. The most common cause of tonsill...

Fungal Infections of the Skin

  Fungal infections often occur on parts of the body that are warm and moist, such as the feet, groin, and underarms. There are many different types of  fungal infections  of the skin, and they can range in severity from relatively minor and easily treatable to more serious and potentially life-threatening. The most common types of fungal skin infections include athlete's foot, jock itch, and Ringworm. However, there are also more serious types of fungal infections, such as candidiasis (a yeast infection), sporotrichosis (a deep tissue infection), and mycetoma (a potentially fatal infection). Fungal infections  of the skin can be very uncomfortable and annoying. They can also be quite difficult to treat, particularly if they are not caught early. There are a few different types of fungal infections that can affect the skin, and each one requires slightly different treatment. The most common type of fungal infection is Athlete's Foot, which affects the feet and toes. ...

Glaucoma Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

  Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that can lead to vision loss and blindness. Glaucoma  is a group of diseases that damage the eye's optic nerve. The optic nerve carries information from the eye to the brain. Glaucoma can cause vision loss and blindness. It is one of the leading causes of blindness in the world. There are no early warning signs of glaucoma. It may take years for vision loss to occur. The only way to prevent blindness from glaucoma is to get regular eye exams and treat it early. Glaucoma  is diagnosed with a comprehensive eye exam that includes a test for your visual field, which measures your side vision. Treatment for glaucoma depends on the type and severity of disease. Glaucoma is a condition that causes damage to the optic nerve. This damage results in a gradual loss of vision, typically leading to blindness. While the cause of glaucoma is not completely understood, it is known that the pressure within the eye (intraocular pressure) plays a role i...

Impressive Health Benefits of Saffron

  Recent research has shown that saffron can help improve cognitive function, enhance circulation, and boost heart health. Saffron  has many impressive health benefits, including the ability to improve mental clarity and circulation, alleviate stress and anxiety, and boost your immunity. Safranal,  a compound found in saffron, has been shown to enhance blood flow and increase mental alertness Additionally, crocetin present in saffron can help lower blood pressure by dilating arteries.  Furthermore, studies have demonstrated that saffron may be effective against depression. In one trial involving 60 people with major depressive disorder, those who took saffron daily for six weeks had significantly lower scores on a Hamilton Depression Rating Scale than those who didn’t take the supplement Saffron has long been prized as a seasoning and coloring agent in cuisine, but did you know that this culinary spice also boasts impressive health benefits? Recent studies have shown...

What is Lyme disease?

  Lyme disease is a serious infection that can cause a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, muscle and joint pain, cognitive impairment, and even paralysis. Expert Opinion 1 Lyme disease is an infectious disease that is caused by bacteria of the Borrelia type. The most common symptom of Lyme disease is a skin rash called erythema migrans. Other symptoms include fever, headache, and fatigue. Lyme disease can be treated with antibiotics. Early diagnosis and treatment are important to prevent the disease from progressing and causing more serious problems. Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic rash called erythema migrans. If left untreated, the infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous system. Lyme disease is diagnosed based on symptoms, physical findings such as rash, and the possibility of exposure to infected ticks. laboratory testing is helpful if used ...

Heart Attack: What might cause sudden heart attacks?

  There are various things that can cause a sudden heart attack, such as coronary artery disease, a heart attack caused by a blood clot, a heart attack caused by a tear in the heart muscle, and a heart There are many potential causes of sudden heart attacks, such as blocked arteries, an irregular heartbeat, a family history of heart disease, and high blood pressure. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it is important to consult with a doctor immediately: chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, lightheadedness or dizziness. These symptoms may indicate that you are having a heart attack and require immediate medical attention. Sudden heart attacks might be caused by a variety of factors, including but not limited to: -Heart attack: When the heart muscle suddenly doesn't get enough blood because one or more of its coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked.

Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye) diagnosis, cause, prevention & treatment.

  Conjunctivitis, also referred to as "pink eye", is a common eye infection that can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or allergens. Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye) diagnosis, cause, prevention & treatment. Conjunctivitis,  also referred to as "pink eye", is a common eye infection that can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or allergens. It is characterized by redness and inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the thin membrane that lines the inside of the eyelids and coats the white part of the eyes. The most common symptoms of conjunctivitis are redness, swelling, itching, and discharge from the eyes. If left untreated, conjunctivitis can lead to serious vision problems. There are a number of different ways to diagnose conjunctivitis, including a physical examination of the eyes and testing for signs of infection or allergies. Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the infection.

Moles, Freckles, & Skin Tags cause, prevention & treatment

  Moles, freckles, and skin tags are all common benign (noncancerous) growths that can occur on the skin. Moles, Freckles, & Skin Tags cause, prevention & treatment Moles , freckles, and skin tags are all benign (non-cancerous) growths that can occur on the skin. They are usually harmless and do not need to be treated. However, if you are concerned about any of these growths, you should consult a dermatologist for an evaluation. Moles usually appear as small dark spots on the skin. They can be flat or raised and may change in size or appearance over time. Moles are usually nothing to worry about, but if you notice any changes in a mole (e.g., increasing size, changing color), you should have it checked by a dermatologist. Moles, freckles, and skin tags are common skin conditions that can occur on any part of the body. While they may be present at birth or develop over time, they are usually harmless. However, if you notice any changes in size, shape, or color, it's importan...

Magnesium: Health benefits, deficiency, sources, and risks

  Magnesium is essential for human health and plays a role in over 600 biochemical reactions in the body. Magnesium  is a mineral that is essential for human health. Some of the key roles it plays in the body include: - Acting as a cofactor for enzymes involved in energy production, protein synthesis, and nerve function - Helping to regulate blood pressure levels - Supporting bone health - Aiding in the regulation of blood sugar levels Magnesium deficiency can cause a wide range of health problems, including muscle cramps and spasms, hypertension, headaches, fibromyalgia, and restless leg syndrome. Luckily, magnesium deficiency is relatively common and can be easily corrected by increasing the intake of magnesium-rich foods or taking a magnesium supplement. Magnesium is a mineral found in several foods, including leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and dairy products. magnesium plays an important role in many biochemical reactions and helps regulate blood sugar ...

Targeted Therapy to treat cancer

  Targeted therapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs or other substances to identify and attack cancer cells specifically. Targeted therapies  are cancer treatments that use drugs or other substances to specifically attack cancer cells. They work differently from chemotherapy, which is the main treatment for cancer and kills cancer cells as well as normal cells. Targeted therapies are often more effective than chemotherapy because they are better at killing cancer cells without harming normal cells. They may also be more likely to stop cancer from coming back (recurring). However, targeted therapies can be more expensive than chemotherapy and may not be available in all countries.

Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

  There are numerous home remedies that can help improve the appearance of your skin and give it a healthy glow. There are several home remedies that can help you achieve  glowing skin . One of the best ways to achieve glowy skin is to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water. aim for eight glasses a day and your skin will surely thank you. You can also try incorporating some natural ingredients into your beauty routines such as coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, or aloe vera. Those with dry skin may want to use a humidifier at night to help lock in moisture. Whatever type of skin you have, exfoliation is key for achieving glowing skin. Get rid of dead skin cells by using a gentle scrub or exfoliating mask at least once a week. Moisturizing is key for  glowing skin , so make sure to moisturize daily. You can use a variety of products depending on your skin type but consider using a face oil to really give your skin a boost of hydration. Facial oils can seal in moist...

How can I increase my platelet count naturally?

  Platelets are produced in the bone marrow, so anything that helps to improve bone marrow function will help to increase your platelet count.   There are a few things you can do to increase your  platelet count  naturally. One is to eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. Another is to get regular exercise. And finally, you can see a doctor to find out if there is any underlying medical condition causing your low platelet count. If there is, the doctor can treat the condition and your platelet count should start to rise. Platelets  are produced in the bone marrow, so anything that helps to improve bone marrow function will help to increase your platelet count. Some things that can help improve bone marrow function include: - Eating plenty of nutrient-rich foods, especially those high in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.

What are the health benefits of cinnamon?

  Cinnamon is a great source of antioxidants, which can help scavenge harmful toxins and byproducts that can damage cells. There are many health benefits of cinnamon. Some of these benefits include: - Cinnamon  has anti-inflammatory properties -Cinnamon can help regulate blood sugar levels -Cinnamon can improve insulin sensitivity -Cinnamon may help to reduce the risk of heart disease -Cinnamon may help to protect against cancer There are many health benefits of cinnamon. Here are just a few: Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation throughout the body and improve overall health. Cinnamon is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, making it effective in fighting infection both inside and outside the body. Cinnamon helps stabilize blood sugar levels, making it a great choice for people with diabetes or prediabetes. It can also help control cholesterol levels and increase circulation. The essential oils in cinnamon have been shown to ki...

Guide to Psychiatry and Counseling

  Psychiatry is the branch of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness. Psychiatry and  counseling  are two important but often misunderstood professional fields. Psychiatry is a medical field that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness, while counseling is a helping profession that focuses on assisting people with personal and psychological problems. Both psychiatry and counseling can be incredibly helpful for people struggling with mental health issues. However, there are some important distinctions between the two fields. Here is a guide to help you understand the basics of psychiatry and counseling:

What is PET Scan ?

  PET scan is short for positron emission tomography. It's a type of medical imaging that uses a radioactive tracer to look at organ function or tissue metabolism. A  PET scan  (positron emission tomography) is a type of imaging test that uses a radioactive tracer to look for changes in the function of cells and tissues. A tracer is a substance that is introduced into the body to make it easier to see certain areas or organs. The radioactive tracer used in PET scans emits positrons, which are tiny particles that collide with electrons in the body. This creates gamma rays that can be detected by a scanner and used to create images of the inside of the body. PET scans are often used to diagnose cancer because tumor cells typically have higher levels of activity than normal cells. They can also be used to check for treatment response, measure tumor size, and identify new tumors.

"What are the causes of liver cirrhosis?"

  Liver cirrhosis is most often caused by chronic or acute alcoholism, drug abuse, hepatitis C, and other conditions that impair liver function. "What are the causes of liver cirrhosis?" Several diseases can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, which is characterized by hardening and scarring to the organ's tissue. These include alcoholism, hepatitis C, chronic  hepatitis B , and fatty liver disease. Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and hepatitis infection. Smoking and excessive drinking can lead to liver cirrhosis because they reduce the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to the liver. Smokers also have an increased risk of developing alcoholic hepatitis if they drink as well. Diseases such as chronic pancreatitis, a condition often caused by alcoholism, may also cause cirrhosis. Hepatitis infections are one prime example; people who will contract this type of virus have a greater likelihood of developing the liver disease later in life than those who haven't bee...

What are the symptoms of stage 1 breast cancer?

  Common symptoms include swollen breast tissue, a new lump in the breast, a sore chest, and rib cage discomfort. What are the symptoms of stage 1  breast cancer ? Common symptoms include swollen breast tissue, a new lump in the breast, a sore chest, and rib cage discomfort. A new lump in the skin of the breast is not necessarily cancer either. There are other benign tumors that can form on or within a mammary gland such as an abscess or fat necrosis. The formation of a secondary tumor of another type must also be considered leading to an enlarged node. Breast cancer may present with painless lymph nodes near armpit areas, slippage from its normal position, pea sized masses that don't move when pressed upon but instead remain still and sometimes dark lumps or bumps under nipple area ducts which upon removal yield blood if biopsied .  

What are the first signs of cancer?

  Depending on the type of cancer, specific signs and symptoms will vary. There is no single symptom or sign that always indicates cancer. What are the first signs of  cancer ? Depending on the type of cancer, specific signs and symptoms will vary. There is no single symptom or sign that always indicates cancer. For example: A mole may change including color, texture, thickness, and shape over time and these changes need to be monitored by a physician.  Lumps in the breast may be discomforting or painful as well as noted distinct changes such as size, shape, or hardness. A new cough that can't be cured can signal lung cancer which includes blood in phlegm circulation as well as an abrupt onset of coughing up clear mucus than thick blood-tinged mucus; shortness of breath; weakness; night sweats; fever & weight loss due to infectious complications from treatment

What should you do if someone tells you they are thinking about suicide?

  First, remember that suicide is almost always an impulsive decision, and it can be prevented if the person gets immediate treatment. What should you do if someone tells you they are thinking about suicide? First, remember that  suicide  is almost always an impulsive decision, and it can be prevented if the person gets immediate treatment. Second, don't leave the person alone. Keep them talking, let them know you care about them and give them someone to call for help. Third, try not to make any promises to the person as they will most likely break those as well. Fourth, encourage them to seek outside professional help such as a hotline or psychiatric hospitalization-inpatient program which usually requires a referral from a physician who knows the individual well enough to feel comfortable making this recommendation.