
Showing posts from April, 2022

Sleep loss can take over your brain

  Sleep loss can take over your brain We have already covered how sleep is crucial for our survival, even if we do not know exactly why. A new study has now shown how it can be detrimental. Getting just half a night’s sleep stops the brain's ability to write over and erase fear-related memories. This can increase your risk of conditions such as anxiety or PTSD.

Detecting cancer early with just one blood test.

  The NHS is set to pilot a new blood test to improve its ability to detect cancer early. Detecting cancer early with just one blood test. The NHS is set to pilot a new blood test to improve its ability to detect cancer early. The Galleri blood test, developed by Californian healthcare company Grail, will be piloted with 165,000 patients starting in mid-2021.

Predicting onset of Alzheimer’s with a simple blood test

  Predicting the onset of Alzheimer’s with a simple blood test In recent years we are seeing the development of an increasing number of tests that rely on a simple blood sample to predict the onset of disease before it has shown any symptoms. Previously we have reported on how blood tests can screen for  cancer . Now we will see how they can help predict the onset of Alzheimer's.

How your gut can influence your brain short review of Alzheimer

  Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common cause of dementia. Slow progression, still incurable, directly affects nearly one million people in Europe and millions of family members as a direct result. We have already discussed how a blood test is being developed to detect Alzheimer’s early. In this blog, we will explore a possible role for gut bacteria in inducing Alzheimer’s.

Guide to Psychiatry and Counseling

  Psychiatry is the branch of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness. Psychiatry and  counseling  are two important but often misunderstood professional fields. Psychiatry is a medical field that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness, while counseling is a helping profession that focuses on assisting people with personal and psychological problems. Both psychiatry and counseling can be incredibly helpful for people struggling with mental health issues. However, there are some important distinctions between the two fields. Here is a guide to help you understand the basics of psychiatry and counseling:

Detecting cancer early with just one blood test.

  The NHS is set to pilot a new blood test to improve its ability to detect cancer early. Detecting cancer early with just one blood test. The NHS is set to pilot a new blood test to improve its ability to detect cancer early. The Galleri blood test, developed by Californian healthcare company Grail, will be piloted with 165,000 patients starting in mid-2021. Traditionally patients are referred to cancer services if they begin exhibiting concerning  symptoms for cancer  (such as weight loss, lethargy, blood in stools, urine or coughing), or if they qualify for the various screening programmes set up in the UK. Unfortunately, some cancers present with symptoms late, when cancer may already be too advanced, and screening programmes are only available for certain cancers that are prevalent, easy to test and easy to detect early. Currently, only half of all cancers in the UK are diagnosed at stage one or two, and the NHS aims to increase this number to 75% by 2028. The earlie...

Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

  There are several home remedies that can help you achieve  glowing skin . One of the best ways to achieve glowy skin is to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water. aim for eight glasses a day and your skin will surely thank you. You can also try incorporating some natural ingredients into your beauty routines such as coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, or aloe vera. 

How can I increase my platelet count naturally?

  Platelets are produced in the bone marrow, so anything that helps to improve bone marrow function will help to increase your platelet count.   There are a few things you can do to increase your  platelet count  naturally. One is to eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. Another is to get regular exercise. And finally, you can see a doctor to find out if there is any underlying medical condition causing your low platelet count. If there is, the doctor can treat the condition and your platelet count should start to rise.

What are the health benefits of cinnamon?

  Cinnamon is a great source of antioxidants, which can help scavenge harmful toxins and byproducts that can damage cells. There are many health benefits of cinnamon. Some of these benefits include: - Cinnamon  has anti-inflammatory properties -Cinnamon can help regulate blood sugar levels -Cinnamon can improve insulin sensitivity -Cinnamon may help to reduce the risk of heart disease -Cinnamon may help to protect against cancer

mRNA vaccines – uses beyond COVID

  mRNA vaccines – uses beyond COVID Last year we estimated it would take over a year for a vaccine against  COVID  to be approved, with vaccinations expected by spring 2021. Incredibly we have managed to meet this prediction, and by the start of January over 42 million doses have been administered in 51 countries. What is even more astounding is that two of the approved vaccines use a completely new vaccination method never used before. mRNA vaccines can be used to easily deliver a variety of different vaccines by changing the mRNA inside the vaccine capsule, and its benefits may not be limited to just infections.

Hibernation how cancer cells utilise strategies

  Treatment of cancer can be split into two different categories – targeting and destroy rapidly dividing cells via chemo or radiotherapy, or target cells expressing cancer markers via immunotherapy. Hibernation – how cancer cells utilise strategies used by mice and bears to survive   Treatment of cancer can be split into two different categories – targeting and destroy rapidly dividing cells via chemo or radiotherapy, or target cells expressing cancer markers via immunotherapy. During treatment, the efficacy of chemo, radio or immunotherapy can be determined by looking at  cancer  biomarkers in the blood, or by re-scanning the patient to look at cancer activity. A reduction in these markers can give us assurances that the cancer is being treated, but this isn’t always the case. Recurrence or relapse is always an issue, and it is something we do not understand well.

Screening Prostate Cancer from your Pee

  Prostate cancer is the most common cancer amongst men, accounting for 26% of all new cancer cases. Like breast cancer, it has started to receive a lot of attention in an effort to inform and educate men about this condition. However, unlike breast cancer, trying to identify signs and symptoms early can be difficult. Women often undergo regular screening above the age of 50 with mammograms, and women can be taught to self examine.

Cone Snail Venom Shows Potential for Treating Severe Malaria

  Malaria is responsible for more than 500 million cases and 400,000 deaths worldwide each year. The parasite P falciparum invades inside your red blood cells to hide from your immune system and multipl Cone Snail Venom Shows Potential for Treating Severe Malaria Malaria is responsible for more than 500 million cases and 400,000 deaths worldwide each year. The parasite P falciparum invades inside your red blood cells to hide from your immune system and multiply. Our bodies have the ability to destroy defective red blood cells in the spleen, so to avoid this the parasite induces adhesive proteins on the surface of the red blood cells. This causes them to stick together, and to the walls of small blood vessels. This blocks microvasculature and leads to end-organ damage. Destruction of the protective blood-brain barrier leads to cerebral malaria, with symptoms including abnormal posturing, gaze palsy, seizures, and coma. 

Repairing injured spinal cord using own stem cells

  Traumatic spinal cord injury is a major cause of disability in developed countries. The inability for neurons to regenerate quickly results in long-term disabilities with poor recovery rates, and unlike other organ systems, it is not possible to simply suture the nerves together as they are incredibly small, delicate, and deteriorate soon after their injury. Even small improvements in mobility or dexterity after intense physiotherapy can lead to significant improvements in the patient’s quality of life. This is why scientists are so focused on new therapies that can help with neuronal regeneration and repair.

Navigating Cancer treatment Options

  T cell immunotherapy has had success in treating haematogenous cancers over the years, but it has struggled to treat solid tumour cancers. Looking at the literature available for gamma-delta T cells, there does not appear to be much reported progress on use of gamma-delta cells to treat gastric cancer. Two prominent papers appear to show effect in 7 patients, but this pilot study was performed in 2014 with no apparent follow up easily searchable. A second study in 2017 looks at in vitro effects of gamma delta T cells on tumour tissue.

Cardiac risk markers

  It has been shown that  cardiac risk markers  can have a significant impact on mortality, even in healthy individuals without known cardiovascular disease. For example, a large meta-analysis of over 30,000 individuals found that the presence of a high triglyceride level was associated with a 20% increased risk of death. Another study showed that markers such as C-reactive protein and homocysteine can be used to identify those at high risk for developing cardiovascular disease, even in otherwise healthy individuals.

What is Complete Urine Analysis?

  Complete urine analysis is a type of medical test that usually requires a sample of urine from the person being tested.   A  complete urine analysis  is a medical test that looks at the different components of urine. This can help give information about the kidney and other urinary tract conditions. The test can also show if there are any signs of infection or other problems.

Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

  There are several home remedies that can help you achieve  glowing skin . One of the best ways to achieve glowy skin is to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water. aim for eight glasses a day and your skin will surely thank you. You can also try incorporating some natural ingredients into your beauty routines such as coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, or aloe vera. Those with dry skin may want to use a humidifier at night to help lock in moisture. Whatever type of skin you have, exfoliation is key for achieving glowing skin. Get rid of dead skin cells by using a gentle scrub or exfoliating mask at least once a week.

Navigating Cancer treatment Options

  T cell immunotherapy has had success in treating haematogenous cancers over the years, but it has struggled to treat solid tumour cancers. Looking at the literature available for gamma-delta T cells, T cell immunotherapy has had success in treating haematogenous cancers over the years, but it has struggled to treat solid tumour cancers. Looking at the literature available for gamma-delta T cells, there does not appear to be much reported progress on use of gamma-delta cells to treat gastric cancer. Two prominent papers appear to show effect in 7 patients, but this pilot study was performed in 2014 with no apparent follow up easily searchable. A second study in 2017 looks at in vitro effects of gamma delta T cells on tumour tissue.

Memory Techniques: scientifically proven to work

  Remembering things can be a problem for most people in daily life. It is a classic daily issue, remembering faces, remembering numbers, where you’ve placed your keys. We still struggle to know exactly Memory Techniques: scientifically proven to work

COVID 19 Mutations: an update

  India is currently experiencing a very high rate of infections across the country, resulting in record hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and now a severe shortage of oxygen. How did this happen? COVID 19 Mutations: an update India is currently experiencing a very high rate of infections across the country, resulting in record hospitalisations, ICU admissions and now a severe shortage of oxygen. How did this happen? As with all things, it is likely multifactorial, and blame cannot be associated with one single issue. Socioeconomic issues preventing effective lockdown, stretched healthcare resources, poor communication and maintenance of social distancing and mask use. And of course, viral variants, something we will be discussing below.

Launch of new antiviral against COVID-19

  A new drug developed by the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in association with Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd has been launched following approval for emergency use in the treatmen   2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-DG) – Launch of new antiviral against COVID-19. A new drug developed by the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in association with Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd has been launched following approval for emergency use in the treatment of Covid-19 patients by the Drug Control General of India (DCGI). This drug is only available in India and there is no data from any other country regarding its use in COVID-19 patients.

COVID associated Black Fungus: succumbing to Black fungus !

  As COVID spreads across India, there has been an increase in reports of associated infection with a black fungus occurring in some patients. It affects the nose, mouth, eyes, and lungs, and can be fatal. This is an infection we need to be educated on, and early recognition of it can be life-saving. Today we will talk about Mucormycosis, the black fungus responsible for these infections, and what you should do to prevent or recognize an infection.

Sleep problems now and then because of temporary stress

  A good night’s sleep is just as important as regular exercise and a healthy diet. Daily sunlight or artificial bright light can improve sleep quality and duration, especially if you have severe sleep issues or insomnia. Blue light tricks your body into thinking it’s daytime. There are several ways you can reduce blue light exposure in the evening. Caffeine can significantly worsen sleep quality, especially if you drink large amounts in the late afternoon or evening. Long daytime naps may impair sleep quality. If you have trouble sleeping at night, stop napping or shorten your naps. Try to get into a regular sleep/wake cycle — especially on the weekends. If possible, try to wake up naturally at a similar time every day. A melatonin supplement is an easy way to improve sleep quality and fall asleep faster. Take 1–5 mg around 30–60 minutes before heading to bed. Several supplements, including lavender and magnesium, can help with relaxation and sleep quality when combined with other...

REGN-COV2 – Artificial "antibody cocktail"

  Monoclonal antibodies are made from components of the human immune system. When the human body recognizes a bacteria or virus in the body, the immune system recognizes and processes proteins on the surface of that bacteria or virus. This is presented to the adaptive immune system, and antibodies have produced that lock onto these surface proteins, neutralizing their function and also tagging them for destruction by other white blood cells.

How to travel Safely during COVID times.

  Vaccination- So what is the most important step to ensuring safe travel Without a doubt, the most important thing people can do to protect themselves is to get vaccinated for COVID-19. I recommend that all eligible people get vaccinated for COVID-19. That is going to dramatically decrease your risk of getting infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and also dramatically decrease the risk that even if you were infected, you could transmit it to others.

1st Trimester – Best Sleeping Positions

  Side sleeping is definitely the best position during   pregnancy , whether it’s the first 12 weeks or the last 12 days of pregnancy.  This might surprise you to hear that sleeping on your left side is superior to sleeping on the right during pregnancy. The reason is simple because if you lie on your right side, you’ll put undue pressure on organs like your liver. On the other hand, a woman lying on the left side improves circulation and blood flow, allowing vital nutrients to reach the placenta.

Delta plus variant mystery: What can cause the third Covid wave?

  Things in India are looking to normalize and beginning to reopen after a deadly second wave of Covid-19 infections devastated the country in April and May.  There is various thought process from experts who are warning that a third wave could strike in the next few months. The majority of Indians are worried about new variants named delta plus, which is related to the Delta, an existing variant of concern first identified in India last year that was responsible for the deadly second wave.

Important Questions About Zika Virus Answered

  A: Zika virus disease is caused by the Zika virus, which is spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected mosquito (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus). The illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting up to a week, and many people do not have symptoms or will have only mild symptoms. However, Zika virus infection during pregnancy can cause a serious birth defect called microcephaly and other severe brain defects.

The Hybrid way - Telehealth !

  The pandemic has flipped the switch for patients who had grown accustomed to traditional doctors’ visits. But now that many people have tried out virtual care, some are reluctant to give it up. This w Covid 19 has transformed our lives in so many ways. The reality is that most likely, the pandemic will not end suddenly, and we’ll be dealing with some version of it for years to come.

Get Advisory On Social Distancing Measure In View Of Spread Of COVID-19.

  New variants seem to spread more easily and quickly than other variants, this may lead to more cases of COVID-19. An increase in the number of cases has put more strain on healthcare resources. New va B.1.1.7 (Alpha) : This variant was first detected in the United States in December 2020. It was initially detected in the United Kingdom. B.1.351 (Beta) : This variant was first detected in the United States at the end of January 2021. It was initially detected in South Africa in December 2020.

Treating Black Fungus -How is mucormycosis treated?

  People who have taken both doses have a good chance of COVID-19 infection and are much less prone to black fungus. We all know Mucormycosis is a serious infection and needs to be treated immediately with prescription antifungal medicine. In most cases amphotericin B, posaconazole, or isavuconazole is used. These medicines are given through a vein (amphotericin B, posaconazole, isavuconazole) or by mouth (posaconazole, isavuconazole). The other line of treatment which includes fluconazole, voriconazole, and echinocandins, does not work against fungi that cause mucormycosis. Often, mucormycosis requires surgery to cut away the infected tissue.

Importance of medical Second Opinion

  Medical Second Opinion before surgery and specifically during covid times can save waiting and visits to crowded hospitals where the possibility of getting infected is very high.  Medical Second Opinion  before surgery and specifically during covid times can save waiting and visits to crowded hospitals where the possibility of getting infected is very high.  You have been diagnosed with a rare and complicated illness, but you're not sure if it's the right one. You need to get a second opinion from an expert in the field. Medical Second Opinion is very important to ensure the right diagnosis and treatment for your condition.

cancers could be prevented

  Cancer is a scary word. It can strike anyone and anywhere at any time, leaving patients in fear of what could happen to them or their loved ones. Number one: Cancer is contagious. Fact: You can't catch cancer from another person, so it's not infectious. It doesn't spread like the common cold or flu virus and cannot be contracted by touching someone who has cancer in their skin bumps, blood cells, saliva, or urine.

What tests are used to manage anemia and what do they mean?

  The doctors use a number of tests to diagnose anemia. Hb (hemoglobin) is one of the key indicators used in diagnosis. The doctors  use a number of tests to diagnose anemia. Hb (hemoglobin) is one of the key indicators used in diagnosis. A hemoglobin test is a blood test that measures how much hemoglobin you have in your red blood cells. A hemoglobin test is generally used for detecting:

Kidney Function Test

  A  kidney function test,  also called a renal function test, is a group of tests that help measure how well your kidneys are working. Your kidneys filter wastes and excess fluid from your blood. They also make hormones that help control blood pressure, red blood cell production, and the balance of minerals in your body. To find out how well your kidneys are working, your doctor may order one or more of the following tests:

Why do we need a Preventive Health Checkup?

  A preventive health checkup is an important way to identify health problems early when they’re easier to treat. Preventive health checkups  are important because they allow your doctor to screen for health problems before you experience any symptoms. Many health conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes, can be detected early on through screenings, which means that you can begin treatment sooner and may even prevent the condition from progressing. In addition to screenings, preventive health checkups also include a physical exam and measurements such as blood pressure and weight. This allows your doctor to track any changes in your health over time and make sure that you're on track with your healthy habits.

Types of Home Health Care Services

  There are a variety of home  health care services  that you can choose from, depending on your needs. Some popular services include:- Home health aides: Home health aides provide basic care such as bathing, dressing, and grooming. They may also help with meal preparation, laundry, and light housekeeping.- Nurses: Nurses provide general medical care and can offer advice on managing chronic conditions. They may also give injections or monitor medications.- Physical therapists: Physical therapists help people who are recovering from injuries or illnesses regain strength and mobility

You can help prevent stroke by making healthy lifestyle choices

  You can help protect your brain from strokes by making healthy lifestyle choices. Strokes are one of the leading causes of death in America, and they happen more often to those with certain conditions such as diabetes or hypertension. Your first line of defense is a change in diet that includes less salt and cholesterol, which means limiting fatty foods like bacon, eggs benedict for breakfast, sandwiches on white breads at lunch time; these unhealthy substances will increase blood pressure levels if consumed excessively over long periods of time. You should also practice stress management techniques including meditation each day during work breaks, so you don't let unnecessary worries pile up into an overwhelming amount linked to stroke risk factors later down the road!

"What you need to know about the 10 Healthiest Foods"

  Healthier foods are not always called superfoods. There is spinach, kale, and cabbage that have more nutrients than other greens out there. Healthier foods are not always called superfoods. There is spinach, kale, and cabbage that have more nutrients than other greens out there. Below you will find some of the healthiest foods like green beans with less sugar content or avocado which helps to reduce cholesterol levels in your body.

How do people develop stage 4 cancer

  Cancer is a silent killer and often humans cannot feel the tell-tale symptoms until it's too late. It's possible to get to stage 4 without ever noticing. The carcinogens in cigarettes cause changes to the DNA, which are then triggered by other circumstances like diet and exposure to UV radiation from the sun and a lifetime of drinking, eating processed foods filled with “pink slime” (cancer-friendly ingredients) combined with a lack of exercise can lead people to eventually developing stage 4 cancer without having any symptoms or else attributing their ailments with aging.

The Most Efficient and fastest-spreading Virus

  The Delta Variant that causes Covid-19 is the deadliest and most sophisticated version of it seen to date, upending assumptions about how infectious diseases work. The Most Efficient and fastest-spreading Virus. – “The Delta variant” The Delta Variant that causes  Covid-19  is the deadliest and most sophisticated version of it seen to date, upending assumptions about how infectious diseases work. Governments are realizing this as they allow more economic freedom while keeping restrictions on travel for fear of spreading the disease

recent advances in medicine and technology

Yes and no. There are many promising outcomes that have come about because of medical breakthroughs in recent decades. One of the most encouraging is intravenous  vitamin C  therapy, which research suggests can have incredible healing properties for cancer patients above the level that any chemotherapy drug achieves.

"What is Colon Cancer Metastasis?

  "Colon Cancer Metastasis occurs when a tumor cell spreads to different parts of the body from its original location. The most common areas for these cells to metastasize are within nearby lymph nodes or organs that could be close to the primary tumor’s site. What are some treatments for metastatic  colon cancer ? Treatment depends on what organ systems have been affected by this disease and may include chemotherapy or radiation therapy."

What is mucormycosis & COVID-19 associated with mucormycosis ?

  Mucormycosis  is a rare but serious infectious disease that can be caused by inhaling spores from the ubiquitous fungi. These organisms, commonly found in soil and composts are also present on fallen leaves or animal dung. Less contagious than other types of infections, mucormycosis mainly affects people who have weakened immune systems because it cannot spread like others that do not need an outside source to enter one's body via open wounds or cuts. Mucoromyces mean "fuzz," which describes their appearance when seen under a microscope with long branching filaments called pseudohistiocysts arising off these branched threads (hyphae).

Covid Delta Variant: Virus is changing and we need to change too!

  Delta Variant: Virus is changing and we need to change too! The entire world is changing its overall strategy on the coronavirus pandemic this week. Masks are back,  vaccine  mandates are looming, and officials have sounded more worried than they have in months. Employees must wear a mask throughout the day at work while also keeping distance from others and submitting to a virus test once per week for safety reasons driving these changes as two factors: The large number who remain unvaccinated due to fears about vaccines' health effects combined with Delta variant's rapid spread across Europe over recent weeks which forces authorities around the world into immediate action against disease threat."

Inflammation: Definition, Diseases, Types, and Treatment

  Inflammation is the medical term for a group of biological processes that involve swelling, redness, and pain.   Inflammation  is the body's natural response to infection or injury. It helps to protect us from harmful substances and promotes healing. However, sometimes inflammation can become chronic and lead to a variety of diseases.

Control your blood pressure. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease.

  Most people are worried after they have had a heart attack, but there is plenty you can do to reduce the likelihood of another one. For instance, taking medicine and doing cardiac rehabilitation might work wonders in your favor! So, the last time you had a  heart attack  probably scared you. It's not hard to see why! You might be wondering if that means another one could happen at any minute or how long it will take before your risk of having another is minimized enough for you to relax again. Well don't fret because there are steps, we can take now and ways in which things like medicine, cardiac rehabilitation therapy, and changes with our lifestyle help us heal so let's talk about them today shall we?

11 Signs You May Have Kidney Disease

  Kidney "We Have a Problem" "One of the reasons why 10% of people with kidney disease know they have it is because symptoms are often attributed to other conditions and not experienced until later stages. For example, signs like increased urination or blood in urine can be mistaken for a bladder infection."

Causes of Chronic Lower Back Pain

  The causes of lower  back pain  are incredibly varied. Disc problems, spinal curvature issues, and muscle strain can all cause a person to experience discomfort in their lower spine region. However, sometimes the problem is not where it seems as some injuries that occur elsewhere on your body will still manifest themselves through symptoms such as numbness or tingling down one side of the leg which could be related to an injury experienced at work while bending over or lifting something heavy with an improper technique for example. Sometimes you may even have absolutely no idea what caused your condition but if left untreated it might lead to chronic conditions like arthritis so check yourself often!

Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Prevented?

  Type 2  Diabetes , known as Diabetes Mellitus, is often a chronic but manageable disability and can be prevented. Symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are the same since both cause hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). 

Vitamin E Benefits

  Vitamin E  is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals. It also helps to improve circulation and has anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin E can be found in many different foods, including leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and oils. However, it can also be taken as a supplement, either as a vitamin pill or an oil. If you are thinking of taking a vitamin E supplement, it is important to speak with your doctor first to make sure that it is the right choice for you. Some people may need more vitamin E than others, and supplements can sometimes interact with other medications that you are taking.

Signs and Symptoms of Gallstones

  There are a few different ways that gallstones can present. The most common signs and symptoms include abdominal pain, particularly on the upper right side; pain after eating fatty or greasy foods; nausea; and vomiting. If the stones block the bile duct, you may also experience jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes) and clay-colored stools. Often, people with gallstones don't have any symptoms and don't even know they have them. But in some cases,  gallstones  can cause painful "attacks" that last for several hours.

Health Benefits of Ginger

  Ginger  is a superfood with numerous health benefits. For centuries, ginger has been used to treat various ailments, such as nausea, stomach aches, and inflamed joints. More recent research has shown that ginger can also be effective in treating migraines, dizziness, and menstrual pain. In addition to these well-established uses, ginger is also being studied for its potential anti-cancer properties. Preliminary studies suggest that ginger may help to prevent the growth of cancer cells or even kill them outright. Ginger appears to be particularly effective against colon and ovarian cancer cells.

Throat cancer – symptoms, causes, diagnosis & treatment.

  Throat cancer  can be caused by a variety of factors, including smoking, drinking alcohol, and exposure to asbestos. Symptoms of throat cancer can include a change in your voice, pain when swallowing, and trouble breathing. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's important to see your doctor right away. Early diagnosis and treatment are key in preventing cancer from spreading.

What is the 4th stage of lung cancer?

  Stage four lung cancer is where cancer has spread to distant sites. In some cases, it can be treated with systemic chemotherapy in combination with other treatments like radiation therapy, drug therapy, and   surgery . The 4th stage of lung cancer is the same as its 3rd stage. The 4th stage of lung  cancer  is called empyema, which is an accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity. Lung cancer spreads out through your body by traveling along with networks of cells that are surrounding small blood vessels (like a spider web)

What are the symptoms of Kidney Stones?

  Fortunately, kidney stones are extremely rare in patients who drink enough water and eat enough calcium-rich food. Most people will never have a kidney stone. If you're at risk of developing kidney stones, speak to your doctor about the following dietary tips that can help prevent them:2 Drink lots of fluids (but not too much).

Most pancreatic cancer ducts of the pancreas.

  Unfortunately, there is no medicine or treatment that will prevent pancreatic cancer from growing and ultimately killing someone. Pancreatic cancer is a very aggressive tumor. To find out if you have this type of  cancer,  your doctor might order imaging tests known as endoscopies and abdominal scans to catch any tumors that are too small to see on CT scans. 

What are the reasons for Hair Fall?

  The reason for  hair   loss is usually a combination of things. Hair may periodically shed normally because the old hair has reached the end of its growth phase, but balding and hair fall could also be caused by factors such as surgery, diet, stress, or illness.

What exactly is mental health?

  Mental health  is something that's more than "more about how you feel" and also includes your reasoning, behaviors, emotions, responses to stressors, moods. When all of these things are aligned and working together smoothly it leads to a happier person who has generally less anxiety

Is skin cancer really serious?

  A good measure of the seriousness of skin  cancer  is its depth and how far it has spread to other parts of the body. Normal skin cancers are confined to the epidermis (outermost layer) or just below it - melanoma cells have already begun to invade into the dermal layer which can cause blindness, disfigurement, or death if not treated immediately. Thankfully there is a lot that can be done about this disease before any major damage can happen- either through specialty clinics like Second Medic Medical Consultation Online now in business that works with all major insurance companies OR by visiting your local dermatologist yourself. 

What are the Common Signs & Symptoms of Autism ?

  The common signs and symptoms of autism in  children  include lack of eye contact, repetitive hand movement, unusual fixations on objects or events like ceiling fans, and a failure to show meaning using tone and body language. Children with autism often develop some ability to understand empathy as they grow up but the earlier you identify it and seek treatment for your child the better chance, they have at making social connections. The most important thing is that early detection is very important to give your child time to learn social skills that will make their life easier when learning about everything else going on around them

Hiccups are caused by involuntary contractions of your diaphragm

  Hiccups are caused by involuntary contractions of the muscles on both sides of your diaphragm that create a sound when air is forced through them. Hiccups may also occur as a result of toxins, irregular heart rates, anxiety and many other things too. With  Second Medic  you can talk with an online doctor about what might be causing hiccups and get treatment in minutes.

Regular Full Body diagnostics and Checkups?

  There are many important aspects of regular  full body diagnostics  and checks: -Preventative care for chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or cancer. For example, a yearly checkup includes screening tests on blood pressure levels, lipid profiles, and glucose levels. Prevention can help avoid early death by helping to find the problem that might cause it. Early detection of acute conditions like hepatitis B or C which allow diagnosis and treatment before they have a chance to develop into advanced diseases with more complications (by the time you know you're sick from an infection caused by these viruses is too late). Basically, if there's an infection that your immune system will eventually clear up, then identifying it sooner provides more time for immediate

gastric bypass? What are the benefits of a Gastric bypass?

  A gastric bypass is a weight loss surgery. For instance, the Roux-en-Y  Gastric bypass procedure  involves shortening of your esophagus and stomach, isolation of 2/3 of the stomach volume to create a small pouch from which the rest is "bypassed" (hence the name), and reattachment of the remaining 1/2 pouches so that food might be batched with pre-digested food from their intestine.

What is the best exercise for increasing height?

  You can't increase your height by exercising or with supplements. A common  misconception  is that exercises like squats will make you taller over time because they work the muscles attached to the pelvis and spine. But these knee-hinging movements compress the disc of bone at joints while stretching out the muscle, so its tendon attaches to a lower pivot point in hopes of correcting muscular imbalances.

Can you get pregnant during your period? How likely is it?

  In theory, you can get pregnant on your period. The chances of getting pregnant range between 1% to 5%, depending on when you ovulated and when your menstrual cycle starts. Note: First talk with your doctor before trying anything here. They'll help figure out the best time for you to start an experiment (and take pills that will prevent pregnancy) - so any attempts are low-risk due to those precautions!

"What are the causes of liver cirrhosis?"

  Several diseases can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, which is characterized by hardening and scarring to the organ's tissue. These include alcoholism, hepatitis C, chronic   hepatitis B , and fatty liver disease. Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and hepatitis infection. Smoking and excessive drinking can lead to liver cirrhosis because they reduce the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to the liver. 

When should we be concerned about blood in our stool?

  It's a good idea to speak with   your doctor   about any blood in your stool. For most people, it is not a cause for medical concern. In the meantime, you may want to look at our   Second Medic   online consultation   chat platform that lets you talk privately and comfortably with experts from all leading medical specialties.  

Why do we need two doses of vaccine?

  Vaccination  is a two-fold protective measure for preventing illness. The first dose alerts the  immune  system to the presence of a certain virus or bacterium, and it creates a cellular immunity of sorts. The second dose is required to alert the body's antibodies, which are typically slower acting but more powerful bodies of defenses. These antibodies present themselves naturally in our bodies after vaccination, forming what we know as "natural specific immunity." To get that natural specific immunity from your second vaccination shot, you will need both injections at least six weeks apart. 

What things should you avoid while breastfeeding?

  Breastfeeding  is the most natural, deeply satisfying way for babies to feed. It has been shown to improve mother-child relationships and promote maternal bonding, which in turn triggers the release of feel-good chemicals called cytokines that are also known as "love hormones."

What are the symptoms of stage 1 breast cancer?

  Common symptoms include swollen breast tissue, a new lump in the breast, a sore chest, and rib cage discomfort. A new lump in the skin of the breast is not necessarily cancer either. There are other benign tumors that can form on or within a mammary gland such as an abscess or fat necrosis. The formation of a secondary tumor of another type must also be considered leading to an enlarged node. Breast cancer may present with painless lymph nodes near armpit areas, slippage from its normal position, pea sized masses that don't move when pressed upon but instead remain still and sometimes dark lumps or bumps under nipple area ducts which upon removal yield blood if biopsied .

What are the first signs of cancer?

  Depending on the type of cancer, specific signs and symptoms will vary. There is no single symptom or sign that always indicates cancer. What are the first signs of  cancer ? Depending on the type of cancer, specific signs and symptoms will vary. There is no single symptom or sign that always indicates cancer. For example: A mole may change including color, texture, thickness, and shape over time and these changes need to be monitored by a physician.  Lumps in the breast may be discomforting or painful as well as noted distinct changes such as size, shape, or hardness. A new cough that can't be cured can signal lung cancer which includes blood in phlegm circulation as well as an abrupt onset of coughing up clear mucus than thick blood-tinged mucus; shortness of breath; weakness; night sweats; fever & weight loss due to infectious complications from treatment

What is the difference between ulcer and cancer?

  What is the difference between ulcer and cancer? Ulcers on the digestive tract and cancerous cells in the stomach and gut lining cause glands in the body to produce large quantities of acid. Eventually, that may lead to  . If you would like more information please see our Disclaimer">cancer , but it's also possible to get an ulcer without having chromosome changes of a diseased state.

Where can I get an online second opinion about cancer? is an online site where you can get second medical consultation- so you’ll have one more independent opinion to help guide your treatment decisions, all without the additional visits t Where can I get an online second opinion about cancer? Second Medic offers  an online second opinion about cancer which is accessible any time, day, or night. Think of Second Medic like a doctor you can talk to from home without waiting in line and going to the hospital. We'll ask all the usual questions and give our professional answers based on your medical history and our training as board-certified physicians and surgeons.

What your heart rate is telling you?

  Your heart rate is telling you a lot about your current level of physical fitness. Your  heart rate  can tell you a lot about your current state of health. A normal resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute, but this can vary depending on your age, fitness level, and other factors. If your heart rate is outside of this range, it could be an indication that something is wrong. For example, if you have a very low heart rate (bradycardia), it could be caused by an underlying medical condition such as heart disease or hypothyroidism. On the other hand, if you have a high heart rate (tachycardia), it could be due to stress, anxiety, or overexertion.

Pulse Oximetry: Purpose, Uses, and How to Take a Reading

  Pulse oximetry  is a test used to measure the amount of oxygen in your blood. This information can be used to diagnose conditions that affect the amount of oxygen in your blood, such as anemia, heart failure, and sleep apnea. The test is simple and noninvasive. A small sensor is taped to your finger or earlobe and measures the percentage of oxygen in your blood. The results are shown on a monitor.

How to Increase Your Height: Is There Anything I Can Do?

  First, be sure to get plenty of sleep. Sleep is important for overall health and well-being, but it's also crucial for growth during adolescence. How to Increase Your Height: Is There Anything I Can Do? Advice from an online doctor on how to increase your height: Is there anything I can do? There are a few things that you can do in order to help increase your height. The first thing you can do is make sure that you're getting enough exercise. Exercise helps to stimulate growth hormone production, which can in turn help you to grow taller. Additionally, make sure that you're eating a balanced diet and getting plenty of rest; both of these things are important for supporting  healthy growth  and development. 

What Are Condoms?

  What Are Condoms? A  condom  is a sheath-shaped barrier device, usually made of latex, that is worn on the penis during sexual intercourse to reduce the risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy. The condom is also referred to as rubber.  A condom is used to reduce the likelihood of pregnancy or transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Condoms are made from latex, polyurethane, or lamb intestine. Condoms are a barrier contraceptive that is worn on an erect penis during sexual intercourse. They are made of latex, polyurethane, or sheepskin and help to prevent pregnancy as well as the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). For latex condoms to be effective against STIs, they must be used correctly and consistently.

Consult doctors online - Online consultation with a gynaecologist

  There are many benefits to consulting with a gynaecologist online. For one, it can be more convenient and comfortable for some patients. Consult doctors online - Online consultation with a gynaecologist There are a number of reasons why you might want to consider an online consultation with a gynaecologist. Here are just a few: 1. You can get advice and guidance from the comfort of your own home. 2. You can avoid Rush hour traffic, long waiting times at the doctor's surgery, or potentially feeling uncomfortable discussing personal matters in a face-to-face setting.

Premenstrual Syndrome symptoms & treatment.

  Premenstrual Syndrome   symptoms & treatment. Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, is a collection of symptoms that occur in the days leading up to a woman's menstrual period. Symptoms vary from woman to woman, and range from mild to debilitating. Common symptoms include mood swings, bloating, fatigue, breast tenderness, and headaches. There is no one "cause" of PMS; it's thought to be the result of a combination of factors including hormonal fluctuations, diet, lifestyle habits, and emotional stressors. Treatment options vary depending on the severity of symptoms, but may include dietary changes, exercise, medication therapy, or counseling.  Symptoms can include bloating, fatigue, mood swings, and changes in appetite.

For what symptoms you should consult an endocrinologist?

  Some of the health problems that an endocrinologist might be consulted for are diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, adrenal disorders, insulin-induced hypoglycemia with severe neurologic injury For what symptoms you should consult an endocrinologist?   Some of the health problems that an  endocrinologist  might be consulted for are diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, adrenal disorders, insulin-induced hypoglycemia with severe neurologic injury following  gastric surgery  or ingestion of large doses of long-acting insulins.

Simple Ways to Keep Yourself Healthy?

  Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains. Include meals with the right ratio of macro-nutrients Simple Ways to Keep Yourself  Healthy ?   Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains. Include meals with the right ratio of macro-nutrients. Proteins like soy foods or fish provide many essential nutrients your body needs. Eat them in moderation without fear of weight gain.

Understanding what is the best way to handle Depression?

  Depression can be caused by numerous factors that are not well understood. Learning what really causes depression & Understanding what is the best way to handle Depression?   Depression  can be caused by numerous factors that are not well understood. Progressive changes in brain chemistry, genetics, other health issues, failure of neurotransmitters to work properly, physical, or mental abuse during childhood, trauma including abandonment, and other life-shattering events may all contribute to the development of clinical depression.  

How do you get swollen lymph nodes?

  How do you get swollen lymph nodes?   You can get  lymph nodes  that are swollen or enlarged by doing things that could potentially compromise the integrity of your immune system. For example, an HIV patient could have swollen lymph nodes in their neck due to AIDS-related complications, but it is more common for people with allergies to have painless swelling in their neck because they are inflamed or infected. Doing things to keep you healthy can reduce the prevalence of this symptom, so maintaining a good diet and getting enough sleep are recommended.